3 November 2016 0 By salvatore cimmino

[cml_media_alt id='2458']21 ottobre 2016 - Stadio Giraud di Torre Annunziata. Partita del Cuore[/cml_media_alt]

October 21, 2016 – Torre Annunziata’s Giraud Stadium. Heart Football Match

Sooner or later everyone could face and sometimes collide with the diseas and fragilities of their beloved ones ,so that’s why it ‘d be appropriate, for a better and more serene future to create a society with nor mental neither social barriers .

It’s important to understand that disability does not have to represent a private affair on behalf of single individuals, but it’s rather a reality ,which the entire community should take charge of. The disabled ones then, I would like everyone to understand, it is not related to a a single individual only but the whole environment in which they live too.

[cml_media_alt id='1720']Boston, Dante Alighieri Society, Salvatore Cimmino con il prof. Hugh Herr e il prof. Ken Goldman del Massachusetts Institute of Technology[/cml_media_alt]

Boston, Dante Alighieri Society, Salvatore Cimmino with prof. Hugh Herr and prof. Ken Goldman of Massachusetts Institute of Technology

I am fully aware of the enormous difficulty to highlight the issue of disable people’s rights in Italy.
I am also definitively aware of how hard placing the issue of in disability in our country’s political agenda.
Furthermore the judgment recently issued by the working section of First Instance of the Court of Velletri Rome saw the USL Roma 6 to succumb in front of the action promoted by an amputated individual ( lower limb) already authorized in 2004 by USL in order to purchase a extra prize prosthetic device for an electronic knee in 2011 due to the uselessness of such implants, the patient had requested new orthopedic gears similar to the above mentioned one which, however, was not granted him because of the so called ”budgetary requirement”.

It’s going to represent a positive record, despite everyone knows this event will not be sufficient as long as people, worldwide and in our country as well, are not free to decide how to get the most congenial prosthetics device to their needs on their own, eventually eliminating an obsolete document called ”price related nomenclature ”.

[cml_media_alt id='2461']Roma, Camera dei Deputati. Salvatore Cimmino con Padre Raffaele Mandolesi, Duccio Cavalieri, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Filippo Tassara e Laura Coccia [/cml_media_alt]

Rome, Chamber of Deputies. Salvatore Cimmino with Father Raffaele Mandolesi, Duccio Cavalieri, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Filippo Tassara e Laura Coccia

Technology represents for the whole community but , particularly for people with disabilities, a better future because it allows them to live an independent life facilitating mobility. Indeed, scientific and technological research have both developed revolutionary prosthetic devices and for this reason I DO want to organize and implement the so called Cuba Miami, next step of my personal swimming world tour because I’d be supported by the most important Italian universities as the Sant’Anna School, Campus Bio-Medico and the University of Aquila ,that are ready to use their valuable knowledge to demonstrate the effectiveness of new technology during the ”enterprise” preparation and especially during the 60- 90 hours needed to reach Key West Island Coast from Havana.

As you might know, among the project’s objectives ”A nuoto nei mari del globo ”, ( swimming in the seas of the world), there is the goal to create a human network to support the ones suffering from disabilities in the North Kivu area (Democratic Republic of Congo) .

[cml_media_alt id='2462']Goma, R.D. del Congo. Salvatore Cimmino con AHID di Idwji[/cml_media_alt]

Goma, D.R. of Congo. Salvatore Cimmino with AHID of Idwji Island

Thanks to the generosity of public and private companies I myself will deliver new containers containing hospital and medical instruments to The local mission of” Caracciolini Fathers ” on the island of Idwji .
To support this personal goal in cooperation with the City of Torre Annunziata and Liceo Pitagora, it was organized the so called ”Partita del Cuore ” whose earnings will be used to deliver the gears to the ones living in a land currently devastated by war and poverty.

[cml_media_alt id='2463']21 ottobre 2016 - La partita del Cuore allo stadio Giraud di Torre Annunziata. La risposta meravigliosa del popolo Oplontino [/cml_media_alt]

October 21, 2016 – Heart football match Torre Annunziata’s Giraud Stadium. The wonderful response Oplonti’s people

The response of Torre Annunziata , my hometown was a thrilling triumph of generosity and I got really moved, when saw thousands of people taking part in that event, a project that has become ,as time went by , my life.

All the best
Salvatore Cimmino