The act of believing

The act of believing

4 February 2022 0 By salvatore cimmino

4 febbraio 2022
I.I.S. Marconi Galilei
Torre Annunziata
Nella foto, insieme agli studenti
Davide Rummolo, Agata Esposito e Felicio Izzo

There are at least two types of faith: one is religious faith, but I do not intend to examine religious belief because it is sacred and worthy of respect regardless of whether you share it or not; the other is faith in oneself, in one’s ideals and in the sacredness of life. Here, this is the faith I want to tell you about.

Faith means knowing how to love those who cannot love you. Faith means knowing how to accept those who don’t know how to accept you. Faith means forgetting in order not to be forgotten. Faith means looking into your heart every day. If someone smiles as you try to build a world of faith, don’t listen to his words: be true to yourself.

Believing in yourself means being convinced of the truth that you yourself represent. No one can know how much truth there is in you, more than yourself. Nobody can change what you feel, what you think, if you don’t want it.

Believing in yourself means having faith in what you do, in what you say, in what you dream. To trust is to love. The more you trust in what you do, the more the desire to do well and better will grow in you.

4 febbraio 2022
I.I.S. Marconi Galilei
Torre Annunziata

Believing in yourself is believing that what you are doing is the right thing. Believing in yourself means having faith in what you feel. Faith is something that comes from the heart. Nobody can give you faith. Only you can build one to your size. Faith goes beyond results; goes beyond the objectives; knows no limits and does not stop in front of fears. Having faith is in itself a miracle that must be guarded, protected, perfected.

A person who has faith in what he does manages to overcome the limits of difficulties; when there is faith even in adverse moments they will become small problems to be overcome with patience.

Khalil Gibran, Lebanese poet, painter and philosopher, said: “Faith is knowledge of the heart and goes beyond the power of demonstration.”

4 febbraio 2022
I.I.S. Marconi Galilei
Torre Annunziata

In recent years I have learned to have faith, to believe in a project that over time has become the cornerstone of my life and the motivation of my belief: a world without barriers and without borders, where pemople with disabilities will know no obstacles to their growth. , to one’s freedom, and to one’s dignity.

Swimming, especially cross-country swimming, a discipline that makes a foundation of passion and sacrifice, is the absolute protagonist of this project: I try to build a bridge that connects the world of people with disabilities to the productive world.

The next bridges I am about to build will be even more ambitious than the previous ones: a draft law on equating civil disability with accidents at work; fulfill the dreams of many boys and girls hungry for knowledge and thirst for life. They will certainly be very expensive bridges, but I believe in people, I believe in their love for life!

This project aims to lightly touch the stories of people who experience hardship, the difficulties of existence, the total commitment of families, the hope of a decisive event or at least an improvement in their living conditions. Cheers to life.

Salvatore Cimmino