Improving the world is possible, necessary and right

Improving the world is possible, necessary and right

11 January 2022 0 By salvatore cimmino

Every day the Articles of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities are widely betrayed by a politically (and not only) class which is guilty distracted and quietly in default.

Article 3 of the Convention is certainly the one most ignored: general principles: Respect for intrinsic dignity, individual autonomy, including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and the independence of persons; non-discrimination; full and effective participation and inclusion in society; respect for difference and acceptance of people with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity itself; equal opportunities; accessibility; equality between men and women; respect for the development of the capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identity.

Improving the world is possible, necessary and right. We cannot and must not stop acting in this direction, every day.

Salvatore Cimmino