I swim for Gianca

23 August 2010 0 By salvatore cimmino

La Colonna

This year, on August 29 I’ll take part in a event which, though mine is a recent accession, hold more absolute: it is the crossing by swimming from Capo Caccia, Alghero organized by the “ I swim for Giancarlo”. This Association, animated by extraordinary people, the noble aims to raise funds to support research into spinal injuries.

Since swimming has become my life, I had the honour of meeting a world which, frankly speaking, not even suspected the existence, a world of courageous people who have decided to put their lives in service to others, working every day to alleviate the suffering of the weakest.

We live in competitive times, which tend to exclude those who, by birth or subsequent events, cannot and cannot keep pace with the frenetic cult of perfection.

In recent years, through sport and with so many intelligent people, I realized that we need to retrieve a new dimension human, relaxed, able to focus on the feelings of solidarity, participation that are too often ignored.

Fabio De Zottis & John Kirwan

Fabio De Zottis & John Kirwan

I dream a community that gives time and space to those who, alone, failed to take, which is concerned with the plight of the disabled from their own emotional needs as well as physical and that with love and respect, highlighting the real qualities of each.

Also this year, as in 2009, I want to thank Giancarlo, Gianluca, Fabio, John and the entire “Column” to catch me, making my life more beautiful.

With love

Salvatore Cimmino