9 February 2023 0 By salvatore cimmino
Rome, Republic’ Senate – Fallen Nāṣiriya Hall

In Italy the economic crisis does not derive only from erroneous strategies of politics or companies but is further aggravated by corruption, tax evasion, by a mafia system which is unfortunately often not sufficiently combated.

The ruthlessness of these corruptors, tax evaders and mafiosi is not limited to satisfying their own greed, on the contrary, thanks to their privileged position within private economic power, public administration and political personnel, they make the population pay a very high price, in particular to the weakest such as people with disabilities.

In this regard, I would ask the Government together with the entire Parliament to show courage, to support the Bill on the equation of accidents in life with accidents at work.

A Proposal of Law to allow access to treatments, advanced therapies and technologies (aids and prosthetic devices), corresponding to one’s needs.

A bill proposal which allows for mandatory updating of the LEAs (Essential Levels of Assistance) and the Tariff Nomenclator once a year before the approval of the Finance Law.

A Proposal of Law, which allows for the establishment of a Commission to ensure a more effective system for identifying the services and technologies that can be provided by the National Health System. A Commission composed by right of the Director of the National Medicines Agency and the President of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and of six members, not by right, with proven professionalism in the sector of health economics as well as health organization and among health law experts . The Government will be delegated to issue special decrees with which the six members of the above Commission will be appointed.

We give people with disabilities a voice and ensure that the voice of people with disabilities is heard. People at the center, Always.

Salvatore Cimmino