Diversity is the essence of humanity

Every man and woman with a disability, in any country in the world, has the right to a dignified life. It is not just a matter of satisfying certain needs, but even more of having one’s desire for acceptance and autonomy recognized. It is necessary for integration to become a mentality and culture, and at…
A sad anniversary, an unfulfilled priority

6 (very long) years after the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, (DPCM 12 January 2017), for the definition and updating of the Essential Levels of Assistance and the Tariff Nomenclator, and published in the Official Gazette on 18 March 2017, the prosthetic devices and aids as well as the latest generation…
For a Christmas without barriers, equal and supportive

In recent days, the Constitutional Court has denounced the last twelve Governments of our nation (let’s hope in the current one) of immobility on the issue of Health, because they were inactive, for twenty-one long years, in updating the Essential Levels of Assistance. In fact, we are stuck with the LEAs of the Dpcm of…
Social inclusion: a very distant goal

The news according to which, in Bari, eight people with disabilities have been sentenced to four months’ imprisonment for having demonstrated to protect their rights is from these hours Social exclusion in Italy is growing rather than decreasing. It is no surprise to note that living in a healthy, secure society, with educational, economic and…
About disability and “reasonable accommodation”
In these hours, in every part of the world, one person in six is engaged, in view of December 3, in organizing meetings to celebrate the World Day of Persons with Disabilities to draw public attention to social inclusion and the breaking down of all barriers. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons…